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                          AGWF TITLES

AGWF Champion--MacManus                   Cash Money Champion--Slayer

Jail House Champion--Chono Masahiro       Tag Team Champion--vacant

X-Division Champion--The Answer              Diva's Champion--vacant


                           Top 10 Ranking's

1. MacManus                      6. The Truth

2. Chono Masahiro            7. Sting

3. The Answer                    8. Triple A

4. Slayer                              9. Sayten

5. Wayne Don                     10. St. Eldor

                    Title news

No title news right now

IR List

Mr.Money(owner)--suspended without pay


Cobra--gun shot wound to lower stomach(1 week)

Queen B--left ankle (1 Months)

Slick D--Arrested. In jail.(1 month)


 Conforence with the Champions

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3 posters
Mrs Florence
Mrs Florence

Number of posts : 108
Age : 39
Localisation : New York
Registration date : 2007-03-05

Conforence with the Champions Empty
PostSubject: Conforence with the Champions   Conforence with the Champions EmptySat Feb 06, 2010 3:24 pm

MacManus walks into the press room with Chono Masahiro beside him. Both have their respected titles around their waste. The press is in a frenzy waiting to get their turns to ask questions.

MacManus first...

1. Who do you think you will be facing at New Begining for your title, and do you have anyone particular?

2. Its been almost a month since your last match. Are you ready and still in shape for it?

3. TA is 2-1 right now and probably has the most chance of facing you again for your title. He gave you a great match last time. Is there any 1 way yuou get ready to fight a guy of his talent?

Chono Masahiro.

1. You earned the Jail House title respectively a month ago. You most likely will be facibng Wayne Don or Triple A and Triple A has really steped up his game. Are you in any suprise of this?

2. Wether you admit this or not but we all know Blake Kulp is apart of the reason you guys are doing so well. According to the magazine there might be a new admin coming in to take over Blake Kulps making Blake Kulp a wrestler. Your Thoughts?

3. Looks like Slayer has a great chance of being handed the Cash Money title. Is this in the plans of the DK and will he cash it in for any of the DK titles?
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Chono Masahiro
Jail House Champion
Chono Masahiro

Number of posts : 23
Age : 41
Localisation : The Greatest land on Earth
Registration date : 2008-02-15

Conforence with the Champions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conforence with the Champions   Conforence with the Champions EmptySun Feb 07, 2010 12:38 pm

Chono Masahiro.

1. You earned the Jail House title respectively a month ago. You most likely will be faceing Wayne Don or Triple A and Triple A has really steped up his game. Are you in any suprise of this?

Alittle but not really. These guys had almost a year to step up their game.Hell they probabaly in other buisnesses,but your boy here,Chono is not scared of no one.

2. Wether you admit this or not but we all know Blake Kulp is apart of the reason you guys are doing so well. According to the magazine there might be a new admin coming in to take over Blake Kulps making Blake Kulp a wrestler. Your Thoughts?

People always trying to break up some power. Take the USA for example. These other countries hate us because they think we have this power. Well I say make Blake Kulp a wrestler. The DK will still be on top. You have me, MacManus and look at slayer nowadays. He took out sayten when he called him out. We are unstopable because we have unstopable people with us.

3. Looks like Slayer has a great chance of being handed the Cash Money title. Is this in the plans of the DK and will he cash it in for any of the DK titles?

uhhhh no, he will not cash it in for any other title we already have. But we are not holding him back and thats that.

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AGWF Champion

Number of posts : 35
Age : 38
Registration date : 2007-03-09

Conforence with the Champions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conforence with the Champions   Conforence with the Champions EmptySun Feb 07, 2010 12:48 pm

MacManus walks into the press room with Chono Masahiro beside him. Both have their respected titles around their waste. The press is in a frenzy waiting to get their turns to ask questions.

MacManus first...

1. Who do you think you will be facing at New Begining for your title, and do you have anyone particular?

Dont know and Dont care, I will defend my title and walk out still champion.

2. Its been almost a month since your last match. Are you ready and still in shape for it?

Next questions please. That was Dumb

3. TA is 2-1 right now and probably has the most chance of facing you again for your title. He gave you a great match last time. Is there any 1 way you get ready to fight a guy of his talent?

He is a great superstar I will say that. But I prepare for everymatch the same. Like I am a rookie with something to prove and look at me. So hope that answer's your question.
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Conforence with the Champions
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