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Anything Goes and we mean Anything
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                          AGWF TITLES

AGWF Champion--MacManus                   Cash Money Champion--Slayer

Jail House Champion--Chono Masahiro       Tag Team Champion--vacant

X-Division Champion--The Answer              Diva's Champion--vacant


                           Top 10 Ranking's

1. MacManus                      6. The Truth

2. Chono Masahiro            7. Sting

3. The Answer                    8. Triple A

4. Slayer                              9. Sayten

5. Wayne Don                     10. St. Eldor

                    Title news

No title news right now

IR List

Mr.Money(owner)--suspended without pay


Cobra--gun shot wound to lower stomach(1 week)

Queen B--left ankle (1 Months)

Slick D--Arrested. In jail.(1 month)


 Jail House Card 2/20/10

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Mrs Florence
Mrs Florence

Number of posts : 108
Age : 39
Localisation : New York
Registration date : 2007-03-05

Jail House Card 2/20/10 Empty
PostSubject: Jail House Card 2/20/10   Jail House Card 2/20/10 EmptyMon Feb 15, 2010 11:46 pm

Show will be recorded friday and aired Saturday night. Which means you have until friday midnight to Rp

Friday Night Jail House
From Los Angeles California

Match 1- Singal - Rematch Requested

Vance Desmond vs T-Bone

Match 2- Singal ( results from the attack at New Begining )

Chip Horton vs Brandorvirus

Match 3- #1 contender for X-Division title( Cage )

Wayne Don vs Triple A

Main Event- Singal ( HardCore )

The Truth vs (c) Chono Masahiro
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Jail House Card 2/20/10
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